Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

REIGN 2ed Is Happening!

After much effort and delay, we finally have the Kickstarter running for the second edition of REIGN!

With the business and layout powerhouse that is Atomic Overmind Press, we’re releasing a cleaned-up, full color, gorgeous version of my original game about lords and leaders in fantasy settings, and we are off to a great start!

REIGN 2ed is not a reinvention of the game. Most of the rules stay the same. All the supplemental material some of you have so generously supported over the years? It’s all still there. But we’re hoping to take a haphazard pile of sketchily-illustrated supplements and turn them into two books with beautiful art and interconnected organization. Instead of a pile of chaotic pieces, I want REIGN 2ed to be a modular system you can use to customize games of authority and command for your group’s personal tastes.

I’m pretty thrilled to finally get this going, and we haven’t even gotten into the stretch goals yet. Trust me… you’re going to want to see them.
