Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

A New Mick Peltier Story, and Other News

First, best and nicest—the Patreon process has yielded another monthly story, Mick and the Beef, in which our titular podcaster and ex-rock-star psychic gets involved with incel culture, family, and a reality show called American Beefcake.

Secondly, and almost as good, I’m gearing up for the next Borzhu novella Kickstarter, so start scraping together your couch change for that fantasy disaster goodness. You can read a few pages of Pragta of the Happy House here.

Finally, and least happy of all… Patreon appears to be in a position of choosing between Apple’s preferences, and the needs of its smallest and most niche creators (like me). Obviously, I’d be a fool to expect a crowdfunding site for creators to privilege creators over funding, so I’m looking for alternatives. Nothing’s changing immediately, but please—get ready.