My next novel is entitled The Forgotten Monk and it’s currently getting funded on Kickstarter. If you’re at all curious about the story of a martial arts monk with amnesia trying to solve the mystery that is himself, check it out.
A preview for my novel Mask of the Other, available now.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
My intention for these pieces is that you can download them, host them, print them out for noncommercial purposes, riff off them freely — as long as everything you derive from them is similarly open, noncommercial and shared.
In this Unknown Armies flavored story, Mick Peltier deals with family, incel culture, and reality TV.
A story about telepathy, sex crimes (handled with SOME taste) along with who victimizes and who doesn’t.
Rural Gothic Americana meets the Greek goddess who avenges those who harm their kin. Warning: This one alludes to the sexual harm of children.
Mitch just wants to sell his unique crafts online. What’s the worst that could happen? No, it’s worse than that. Worse still. Keep going.
Opening a gateway to a parallel Earth without animals opens up possibilities for carbon sequestration and Insta posts.
A tragic tale of fitness, excess, Mick Peltier, Unknown Armies, and trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Mostly about a fitness instructor turning her trauma into unreliable magick powers. It’s a lil’ bit Unknown Armies.
A short story about murder, unreliable psychic powers, and spectral abuse. It’s vaguely Unknown Armies related.
If you wonder why robots would try to kill all humans, the surprising answer awaits in this TERMINATION SHOCK short story, the downloaded stream-of-consciousness of a murderous AI. It’s in various formats, no malware.
The personal journal of an Army psychic assassin covers the dangers, history and developments of American psychic warfare. Click here to download an archive with PDF, eBook and other formats.
Technically science fiction, but there’s nothing in here that we couldn’t have by 2022, given sufficient political will. It’s a story about how public safety could be different in America, told mid-change.
It’s got a cop and a crook facing cosmic horror — or maybe just the quotidian, everyday kind. You can download a .zip file of alternate formats here.
Imagine a zombie apocalypse with no biting, where the smartest man alive is a C+ student. Now make it bleaker. There you go. You can also download a .zip file with alternate formats.
An exploration of the hard, repetitive work that goes into serial killing, and catching a serial killer and, also, making linocut prints.
Also available as a .zip file of several formats.
Ever wanted to read SF about people crammed in a space ship after Cthulhu rises from the deep? If so, you can download various versions at this link, or just click the title card to read the PDF online.
What would you do if one day you found out quite a lot of people were gross? If you want to see my answer in a format other than PDF, there are several in this archive.
Cosmic horror about the presidency, ripped straight from today’s headlines. If you want file formats other than PDF, you can find them in this .zip file.
It’s reality TV about extinct sentient species. Possibly less of a bummer than you’re thinking, though. Click here to download an archive of various formats, PDF included.
A short SF story about (maybe) the first human to survive first contact with an alien species. It shares a setting with FAILWORLDS and the game/podcast/media melange TERMINATION SHOCK. You can download various formats, including PDF, here.
If you’re looking for something, well, sexy, this story isn’t it. It’s more about the idea of sex in society than it is about sex as it’s enjoyed. It’s strange and surreal. You can get it in several formats by clicking here. Or if you like, just the PDF.
It’s about… it’s… well, it’s weird and hard to explain. And it’s only five pages long.
You can also download a .zip archive with non-PDF formats.
A trio of dangerous scumbags mouth off about their assorted felonies, producing an emergent narrative about murder, blackmail, and bitcoin.
Also available in ePub and Kindle formats.
This is a TrueType font named 13Aelfin. Feel free to download and use as you see fit. It has both capitals AND lowercase!
Some nifty accessories for Meatbot Massacre, including a printable hex map, fold-up paper minis, and preformatted data sheets to keep track of your meatbot’s stats.
Like power? Hate responsibility? Executive Decision is the real-time RPG where you and other cabinet members pursue your own agendas in competition for the Commander-in-Chief’s trust.
A free adventure for my Film Noir game A Dirty World. It has drugs, thwarted love, illegitimacy and murder. Standard hard-boiled stuff, really
REIGN Character Sheets
Original: 8.5″ x 11″
Revised: 8.5″ x 11″ | A4
Revised Character Sheet, with Blank Space: 8.5″ x 11″ | A4
The third mini-setting, and it should be familiar because it’s modern day Earth. The only difference is an invasion of telepathic aliens who have no idea how to fight head-blind humanity. It’s entitled Out of the Violent Planet.
Another mini-setting, this time examining fantasy races like elves and orcs from a firm basis in fantasy genetics. It comes with its own handy breeding chart, completely safe for work, of course.
An entirely fresh new setting of born wizards, fairy-tale monsters, and the sinister enchantment arising from the love of power.
Provides a third combat system where, instead of trying to grandstand and seeing if you succeed, you find out how well you succeeded and adjust your grandstanding accordingly. And, if enabling PC show-offs is insufficient, it also has the nuts, bolts and cautions of constructing your own Esoteric Discipline paths.
Provides not one, not two, but three separate campaign frameworks for REIGN, ranging from roguish scumbags in Uldholm, to Ob-lob pirates, to the people who really run The Empire. As a bonus, those aforementioned rulers come with their own player handouts.
More feedback from fans indicated that one-roll Ulds and Truils should find a home in Supplement 7. Also included: Unit-based tactical combat and an adorable little short story. There’s been discussion about port cities in REIGN’s unusually-shaped setting continents. Since I’m just now starting a game based around a boat, I’ve created some handouts for my players, which I’m also putting here. Remember, I’m a writer, not an artist: Judge accordingly.
Muhulc, a city in Opetka.
Darkport, the northernmost Confederate port of consequence.
I polled the fans about the order in which they wanted to se e some of my completed material, and the result was Supplement Six. New Advantages, new Esoteric Disciplines (including at least one for every Skill that lacked one in the main rule book) and riding mounts based on the Cambrian super-predatorAnomalocaris.
This REIGN supplement fleshes out the continent of Milonda, specifically itsRuhini Desert. It’s home to eye-eating immortal oligarchs, religious prudes living side-by-side with lewd criminals, alligators, wind boats, incense and the world’s most effective magical healing. Have fun.
A discussion of Ob-lob culture, values, religion and habits — Two sets of their martial secrets, both for unarmed fighting and for using wickedly sharp ‘hell hooks.’ — Aqueous Divination, a system of magical fortune-telling, along with discussion of just how to handle foreknowledge in your game — One-Roll Ob-lob character generation.
Secrets of Sorcery shows exactly how to build your own spells and schools from the ground up. Also, there are giant insects, miniature elephants and surprisingly useful rats.
People of the Blade adds details to two of Heluso’s most warlike cultures — Dindavara and the Western Marches.
Assets, Martial Path: Black Thirst, One-Roll Companies, One-Roll Imperials and creepy shadow warlocks for your REIGN game.
Nothing in this world is perfect, and that’s particularly true of a book that has the note “See page 98” on page 98. Thanks to the vigilance of the fan community, a number of mistakes, contradictions and plain ol’ perplexities have been spotted in REIGN, and in the file above, they’re addressed.
A bonus attendant on the funding of the REIGN Enchiridion, this is a one-roll tool for making up odd and idiosyncratic enchantments.
An ambitious, triple-sized supplement for REIGN Enchiridion, this is a self-contained setting featuring arrogant wizards, mysterious monsters, and downtrodden peasants striking back.
Winner of the 2008 Richard Eastman fiction prize, “Regret, With Math” is about a young man who studies the martial arts, or doesn’t, and who dates his former college buddy’’s ex- girlfriend, or doesn’t, and who gets in horrible, life altering trouble. Or possibly doesn’t. It’s also about parallel universe theory. Also available in ePub and Kindle format.
A sad story about a miserable kid and the perils of fish telepathy. Despite this flippant description, I consider this one of my more successful horror stories.
If you read Dead Leather Office in The New Hero, Volume 2, you already know the heroine of this story of time-skips and identity shifts. If you have not, you can read this one first for free. Also available in ePub and Kindle format
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
These are a bit different. The license on these articles lets you show them wherever you want, including in commercial books. But you can only use them if you attribute them to me, and if you don’t change a word of the text. Feel free to read them, share them, print them out and leave them lying in subways — just don’t change them