Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Feature Category: Anthologies



A collection of tinkered-with literary tools and scholarly examinations of the same, including my collaboration with Katy Harrad, “Requiem For a Manic Pixie Dream.”Read More

By No Means Vulgar

By No Means Vulgar

BY NO MEANS VULGAR is a collection of short stories inspired by The Play’s The Thing, a Shakespearean roleplaying game.Read More

In the Court of the Yellow King

In the Court of the Yellow King

Come and enjoy new visions of the King, expanding and deepening the fragments glimpsed in the award-winning True Detective television series, penned for your delight by a host of master scribes eager to guide you to a new world of delirium, despair, and madness.Read More

Cthulhu Lives!

Cthulhu Lives!

This volume brings together seventeen masterful tales of cosmic horror inspired by Lovecraft’s work.Read More

DELTA GREEN: Alien Intelligence

DELTA GREEN: Alien Intelligence

You are NOT CLEARED for this book. These eight tales of cosmic horror and personal apocalypse were not written to make you feel secure about your place in the universe. They are here to unsettle you, to horrify you, and to challenge your misguided notions of history, humanity, and morality. Enjoy.Read More

DELTA GREEN: Dark Theatres

DELTA GREEN: Dark Theatres

Take your seat. Delta Green: Dark Theatres presents eight new stories of intrigue and horror, eight theaters in which desperate actors engage clandestine passion plays for the grim amusement of alien gods, Witness the horrors of the Raids on Innsmouth the terrible secrets of World War II, the tropical nightmare of Vietnam, the chill vacuum…Read More

Don’t Read This Book

Don’t Read This Book

Down a lonely alleyway, under a starless sky, lies a city that never was, yet is: the Mad City, where nightmares walk the streets, and a good night’s sleep can get you killed. Here, then, is a book from that place.Read More