Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Feature Category: Fantasy Fiction

13th Age Elfish

13th Age Elfish

This is a TrueType font named 13Aelfin. Feel free to download and use as you see fit. It has both capitals AND lowercase!Read More

13th Age Aasimar

13th Age Aasimar

This isn’t a story, it’s a TrueType font called 13Asimar. Feel free to use and distribute it. (It only has capital letters.)Read More

The Forgotten Monk: Chapters 1-2

The Forgotten Monk: Chapters 1-2

My next novel is entitled The Forgotten Monk and it’s currently getting funded on Kickstarter. If you’re at all curious about the story of a martial arts monk with amnesia trying to solve the mystery that is himself, check it out.Read More

The Doom of Swords

The Doom of Swords

My first podcast experiment is imperfect, but it was free, after all. It’s from the setting of REIGN.and is now available in text form in Worlds of Their Own. It has swordplay, adultery, revenge, and an incontinent donkey.  Read More

Unripe Fruit

Unripe Fruit

In a society with strictly defined castes, concretely proscribed gender roles and rigid family expectations, how do youngsters wind up blood-covered and naked out in the forest? Also available in: ePub File, Kindle Format  Read More

The Grey People

The Grey People

A Bronze Age narrative in the Lovecraft Mythos vein, featuring a grandma seeking her missing son in the company of her grandchild. Also available in: ePub File, Kindle Format  Read More