Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Feature Category: Feng Shui

Back for Seconds

Back for Seconds

Hell, I can’t even remember what I wrote for this. Excuse me a minute while I go look. Oh yeah, the arcanotechnician description! That was fun. It’s fun any time you get to write a sentence like “Watching that kitten playfully batting around the head that had once rested upon its own tawny shoulders, I…Read More

Seal of the Wheel

Seal of the Wheel

This was the book where I burned out and finally realized that, while I could do the job, I had to work twice as hard as I did writing, to get results that were only about half as good. I’m a much better writer than editor or developer. Honestly, it’s just a matter of math.Read More

Golden Comeback

Golden Comeback

Golden Comeback was the first of the purely Atlas-developed Feng Shui books, and the first with me at the helm. The fans seem pretty happy with it, as my design philosophy was “give them lots of chrome-encrusted toys to play with” alongside how-to articles that were (hopefully) illuminating to at least some consumers. But, to my…Read More

Seed of the New Flesh

Seed of the New Flesh

The only Feng Shui supplement where I’m the sole author, I worry that it has that same To Go problem of self-indulgence. Working with an editor who doesn’t get what you’re trying to do is an exquisitely painful experience, but working with no editor at all means you’re in a void and have no idea if…Read More

Marked for Death

Marked for Death

This was a book of adventures and I wrote one called “Blood for the Master” in which a giant temple appears in Hong Kong, containing a giant iron statue that comes to life when fed human blood. Good times.Read More