Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Feature Category: Unknown Armies

Mick and the Fit

Mick and the Fit

A tragic tale of fitness, excess, Mick Peltier, Unknown Armies, and trying to make the best of a bad situation.Read More

Mick and the Fit

Mick and the Fit

Mostly about a fitness instructor turning her trauma into unreliable magick powers. It’s a lil’ bit Unknown Armies.Read More

To Go

To Go

The Unknown Armies campaign! To Go was originally supposed to be an appendix in Break. Today. but it got so sprawling and big that we eventually broke it out into its own damn book. I’m 90% happy with it, though I worry that it’s a bit windy — when I’ve got no deadline, no length limit…Read More

Break. Today.

Break. Today.

One of the factions in UA is named Mak Attax, and I wanted to do a book about them for two reasons. One is that the group (short order cooks conspiring to undermine reality by infiltrating the world’s biggest burger chain) was perceived as too silly for the gritty tone of Unknown Armies. The other…Read More



This book’s all over the map, but in a good way. This was really the point where I accepted that Chad Underkoffler’s pulp UA is as valid as my absurd tragedy UA, and James Palmer’s bleak nihilist UA. Unfortunately, the version of “Stoon Lake” that got printed was my first draft, and not an expanded…Read More

Hush Hush

Hush Hush

I wrote a lot of this, but not all. Some stuff, I got lazy — I left an outline for other writers and said, “do this.” (Being line developer for Feng Shui had given me a taste of having other writers do my writing for me, and in certain circumstances I liked it.) But it’s…Read More



Statosphere is what I wanted Postmodern Magick to be. I’m really pleased with just about everything in the whole damn book. I guess I’d say this is the point where UA really hit its stride — I’ve got no major complaints about anything that followed.Read More

Postmodern Magick

Postmodern Magick

I have a confession to make. Postmodern Magic is my least favorite book in the UA line, despite its consistently good sales. This is the grief I mentioned a bit earlier. PoMoMa is a bigger and more cluttered grab bag than One Shots could ever have been, and there’s some truly terrific material in it……Read More