If you’re at all familiar with my fiction library, you know that almost everything there was crowdfunded collectively. Many paid so that many more could get access for free. This has worked pretty well.
Recently, however, my primary crowdfunding platform has made some questionable decisions about cryptocurrency involvement. It’s not just that I personally have strong reservations. Many of my backers have been vocal about it too. Moreover, I’ve always said that crowdfunding is based on trust. If the tool I used for crowdfunding makes unilateral moves like this without consulting backers or creators, how am I supposed to use it with confidence?
So I’m taking a break from that form of crowdfunding for a while. But currently, I have a backlog of an even dozen stories ready to go—funny stuff, scary stuff, weird stuff. Some quite short, some longer. That’s without getting into the unpublished novellas and novels. If I level with you, what I’d love like a fistful of candy is a regular, predictable income from fiction without the constantly hype and promotion of running a Kickstarter. Especially since it comes with a lot of stress. (Though, to be sure, less stress than juggling a dozen magazine submissions.)
Thus, I’m pleased to announce I’m launching a Patreon. Five bucks a month gets you a story. Ten bucks a month gets you a story and access to all the stories that came before and access to a private Discord chat, which I promise to check regularly. I might add more tiers if there seems to be demand for it, but for now, I’m doing $5 and $10. After a year, stories go up on the normal fiction library for free.
Moreover, the first twenty patrons get something special. It’s not huge, but a nice little surprise.
The Stolze Fiction Patreon launches April 2nd. If you want a reminder or an alert when it goes live, I’m announcing it first to the mailing list. Look at the top of the header for “join the mailing list” if you’re really curious about that “special surprise” for the first twenty joiners.