Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Christmas Season Double-Header!

About a year ago, I dusted off two very old stories and reworked them for the Patreon. (I did two because it didn’t feel fair to just do one when they were old.) So now, a year later, they roll out here for free. Isn’t that great? If you want to support that Patreon, by the way, it’s at https://www.patreon.com/GregStolze .

Cold Yesterday is a weird ghost story with too many feelings, and Domestic Situation is about how things go down when absolutely everyone thinks someone else has all the power. Check them out.

Also, don’t forget that you can now get a whole bunch of my stories printed and bound and mailed to you house. Amazing, right? It’s called I Dream of Insomnia.