One Roll Does it All
Powered by a fantasy-optimized version of the One Roll Engine (or ORE) popularized by GODLIKE, NEMESIS, and Wild Talents, REIGN can take your characters from beggars to emperors. If you’re already a fan of the ORE, REIGNis familiar (though with a few interesting refinements). If it’s new to you, the ORE resolves events in delicate detail without cumbersome layers of contingent rolls. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You can read reviews from Ken Newquist, Wayne Tonjes and a variety of internet customers.
The Personal and the Political
In REIGN, the characters aren’t lone wolf strangers in strange lands, but leaders of communities, and those groups of followers can resolve large-scale conflicts against their rivals. This divide allows players to focus on the story elements they choose. If they don’t care for blow-by-blow combat, they can simply send their army to besiege an enemy stronghold. On the other hand, if they lead the attack in person, they can drastically improve the chances of success… or doom their enterprise through foolish choices. The benefits of ruling are great, but the consequences of failure are drastic.
The group-resolution rules from REIGN are self-contained and modular. It’s a simple matter to stack them on top of any other RPG system. Want a concrete way to model what happens to the city when your superheroes destroy the Cult of Moloch Triumphant? Use REIGN to stat up the city and the cult. Ever wonder who’d win if two rival government conspiraces went head to head? REIGN lets you measure their weaknesses and strengths, then test them against one another. Fantasy kingdoms, cosmic empires and secretive cabals can all be easily managed and modeled with REIGN.
A World Like No Other
The default nations of REIGN are on Heluso and Milonda, a pair of human-shaped continents (or, perhaps, continent-sized humans). An unmoving sun burns above them, dimming every evening and hosting mysterious spirits as curious about mankind as the people below are about them. The massive land-bridge of The Empire spans the sea and casts perpetual shadows on the nations it once ruled. Yet despite the wonders of the world, its rulers care less about the mind-numbing beauties of cylindrical kingdoms and mile high trees. They look upon these anomalies and wonder only how to bend them into service of their own ambition.