Hi. My name is Greg Stolze, this is my web page, and I write books.

Feature Category: Over the Edge

The Myth of Self

The Myth of Self

Most of my writing has withstood the test of time well enough, I think, but I’ll admit that I’m a little embarrassed by the adventure I put in Myth of Self. This was the very first thing I wrote for Over the Edge, though it got published after much other material. It’s not that it’s…Read More

Friend or Foe?

Friend or Foe?

Like Back for Seconds (which it preceded) this was a grab-bag of characters and plots. I remember with great fondness my sentient remote control. It’s a little bit of a swipe from the Ian Shoales book A Perfect World, but I think I added enough twists — it traveled back in time with a history-warping…Read More

Wildest Dreams

Wildest Dreams

Me, John Tynes and Robin Laws collaborating on a supplement about supernatural drug pushers with a product called Nightmare. What could be better, right? The problem was, we all approached it from different angles. Tynes was easy to work with and quite willing to alter his part to fit with the rest. Robin and I,…Read More

Player’s Survival Guide

Player’s Survival Guide

Good luck finding this ancient supplement. I doubt even eBay has many available. But it does contain my first published gaming article. Will that give it collector’s cachet and make it more expensive? If it does, it probably shouldn’t.Read More

Forgotten Lives

Forgotten Lives

This was a collection of adventures that contains a short, fairly forgettable thing called The Furchtegott File. It was mainly an excuse for me to come up with a bunch of bizarre characters.Read More