It is my great honor and delight to have a place with the Aurora Writer’s Workshop this summer, teaching a class on creative writing. The full details are here, but the long and short of it is, you can join me in a small group in which we explore the best individual way you can get your creativity operating. It frustrates me that a lot of writing advice is from well-meaning people who’ve found something that works for them and who then present it as the universal method that works for everyone. I don’t believe there’s one true way. If there was, we’d have found it by now. So instead, I focus on helping people identify the individual modes that work for them, and providing advice on how to implement those specific strategies.
In short, it’s tailored instead of uni-size. If you can reach the Chicago suburbs June 7-9, don’t you deserve to have advice that’s specific to you?

The other exciting thing I have going on is Into Debt Goes Ank, the second of the Borzhu fantasy-disaster novellas. You can read the opening of it here, and if you think that was cool and thrilling, wait ’til you see what happens when the town starts exploding.
Into Debt Goes Ank is on Kickstarter right now, where you pledge for it in electronic format or, for a bit more, get one of sixty printed zine copies, each of which has a unique cover hand-made by the author. (The one pictured above is one of my favorites.) Act now, as they say, while supplies last.
Oh, and if you’re concerned that you won’t be able to follow if you haven’t read the first Borzhu story (1) don’t worry, they’re independent and (2) there’s an option to get it cheap as an add-on. Enjoy!
Discover more from Greg Stolze {STOL-zee}
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