First off, as you might gather from the image, there’s a new story up in the fiction library, and it’s called Letter From a Killer. Guess what it’s about? Yeah, grotty scary crime. Do you suppose a handsome cop shows up to make everything OK? Probably not, but I guess you have to read to find out. This one actually won the Richard Eastman Founder’s Prize for prose in 2021. Cool, huh?
This originally was published in Rivulets magazine in 2021, before hitting my Patreon in 2023, and now it’s here. If you’re not on the Patreon, please consider it. I know it’s a bizarre year, but I’d like to hit a hundred backers. That doesn’t feel like too big an ask, if I’m the one you ask.
In other fiction news, the sequel to Ninki Goes to the Arcane Academy is going to hit Kickstarter on the 25th of this month! I’ve got sixty zine copies of Into Debt Goes Ank printed and uniquely hand decorated. Here’s one of my favorites.
Hard to tell from the scan, but the letters are in gold ink. And… the top of the T got cut off there, but I swear it’s there in the physical print.
That’s the news for my fiction, but the final thing I want to talk about is your fiction. This summer, June 7-9, the Aurora Writers Workshop is hosting a seminar and I’m one of the instructors. If you’re in the Midwest and want to pick my brain and see what’s in there after thirty years of writing, editing, designing and developing, sign up now! There are limited spots and I’d love to get a full class. Thanks!
Discover more from Greg Stolze {STOL-zee}
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