Updates As We Move Through History
I’m posting an update to keep all you interested parties informed about two aspects of my life. One is my private citizen health and wellbeing,…
REIGN expands the frontiers of fantasy gaming by elevating the action to an international stage. Monarchs, mercenaries and merchant princes gamble armies and fortunes to win nations in a rich and vibrant fantasy setting.REIGN’s simple but complete rules model the triumphs and disasters of societies as small as a village or as large as a realm-spanning religion.
With REIGN, your characters can defend threatened nations, bring prosperity to desperate provinces, make laws and perpetuate justice… or, if you prefer, loot conquer and pillage on a vast and awesome scale.
I’m posting an update to keep all you interested parties informed about two aspects of my life. One is my private citizen health and wellbeing,…
After much effort and delay, we finally have the Kickstarter running for the second edition of REIGN! With the business and layout powerhouse that is…